Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tile and Grout and Counter Me, Baby


The bathroom granite is in.  A makeshift (clearly temporary) cabinet has been made for the master bath.  Most excitingly, the tile is finished...which means the shower is finished!  But perhaps most importantly (but not most excitingly), the toilet is also in.  Yawn, but whatever, it's a necessity.

So, pictures?  Yes.

After!  (But before the granite guys had cleaned it off)

Granite + New Faucets and Sinks = Awesome!

One of our good friends built this cabinet in like, twenty minutes.  I love that in addition to being dual sinks, it sits higher up (comes just above waist level on me, and i'm about 5'8).  I've always hated bending halfway over just to wash my hands, and it also gives it a feeling of being firmly seated in the ADULT category.  I can't imagine any three-year-olds coming in here to wash finger paint off their hands.  (And thank goodness for that!)

Here was the model that our buddy had to work with:

Husband make good drawing

Anyway!!  Onward with pictures, right?  Who cares about drawings of cabinets.

New flooring (pre-grout) in the powder room

Powder Room Before

Minus faucets that were later installed
This is actually a photo of the upstairs bathroom, but who cares?  It looks the same.



There's actually a lot of drama about this one.  I wanted a dual-flush toilet for the ever.  I hunted, searched, price-shopped, read reviews, etc etc.  Found the perfect one (as you may have remembered from previous post).  Except, it didn't fit.  It was a 12" rough-in, which is a standard size on like, 90 bagillion homes.  Except no, the 12" rough in standard toilet that is the only thing sold anywhere ever?  Doesn't fit.  This is a 10" rough in.  Which means I had to special-order this sucker and get it shipped.  It's still a pretty awesome (high-efficiency) toilet though, it's just a regular-flushy toilet instead of the cool "push a button" toilet.  Le sigh.  But that just means that our guests will get to use the awesome dual-flush toilet of awesome.

I'm stalling on purpose, because I know this is totally the moment you've totally been waiting for, AMIRITE?!  Without further adieu, I bring you.....THE MASTER SHOWER!

And now....

Fully installed in all its amazing glory - check out that ceiling!

This one shows more of the flooring and the step

How awesome is this border?  This (in addition to the bronze squares in the kitchen backsplash) was another small point of contention between Husband and I.  I liked this, but i liked other stuff better.  I thought this was a little too girly.  (I mean, c'mon, it has flowers.)  I wanted a rope-looking Greco-Roman distressed border, but it just hung out too far from the wall and, given how clumsy I am without the addition of slippery, watery surfaces (the bathroom floor is in no way slippery, but this baby giraffe will still find a way), we figured we shouldn't install anything that I could potentially knock myself unconscious with.  There were plenty of other selections, but this was the only other one that had that Greco-Roman Ruins look to it and it matched everything perfectly, so we went for it.  Glad we did, because it looks amazing. I also love that it bifurcates the straight-tile and the diagonal tile.  It's such a classy look to me.

Here's a shot of the shelf.  I don't know why they didn't install two, and I think it looks weird without the second one, but I guess Husband didn't think to ask when it was being installed and like the sink, they probably didn't come fully prepared and just hoped we didn't say anything.  It's still big enough to put the stuff we need on it and I kind of like that we don't have a ton of shelf space to put a whole bunch of crap.  Keeps it looking nice.  :)  I also totally love that the shelf has that unfinished surface-feel to it which is supposed to detract from soap scum, hard water, and other shower-ailments.  Score!

And can I just say?  The tile guy was spectacular.  Not only did they install this stuff and kind of go the extra mile, but they went out of their way to give everything such a seamless look.  Witness:

Yeah, they cut the tile to look like that.  It gives the overall look such a polished and clean appeal.

I know I've said it a lot already but, I've found my new favorite item in the house.  It's so amazing to just be in love with so many aspects of your home and be excited to come home and play with it.  :)  Here's hoping the newness doesn't wear off anytime soon.

And after us trying it out together last night (minus glass door, of course - that's in the purchase queue), I gotta say, I don't think I'm going to hear anymore complaints from Husband about not having room in the shower.  Totally. Freaking.  Awesome.

Y'all are all welcome to come over and shower!  Just pitch in for the water bill. : )


Anonymous said...

I love all of this. I'm tempted to come over there and steal it.. Not sure how it's going on the plane, or other obvious logistics but it's happening. :P

And, as a side note, you need adhesive ducks.. that's really only funny if you've seen Big Bang Theory. :)

Jessica said...

*feints* Shower is AWESOME! It reminds me a lot of Lauren's shower in her efficiency downtown. It was such a happy place to clean yourself!

Are you going to get a hard water softener to keep everything looking spiffy?

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