Monday, June 27, 2011

No Woodchucks Allowed

Because we have brand new wood floors!  Installed Friday.  And it smelled good in the house!

Pictures?  Yes.

Before - Good from Far, Far from Good
Not the best shot, given I couldn't get one that didn't cause a glare.  It's really a beautiful hickory with red tones.  Gorgeous!




As with all things, it looks so much better in person.  Not only are the slats larger, they double-floated the ground so it's extremely even and it's engineered wood unlike the cheaper "tap-in" wood that was previously in that bowed up in many places and had started to peel.  Plus the color...OH the color!!!  Pictures do not do it justice.  But just look at how it matches the kitchen and bathroom tile!

However, I do notice that the living-room paint doesn't match the floors now.  It's just as obvious in the pictures as in person.  I'm going to do the touch-ups on the living room with the present paint as a test.  If the current paint dries evenly (where you can't tell I just touched it up), I'll probably leave it and deal with the color.  If it's a remarkable difference in color and sheen and I'd have to repaint anyway, I'll go with a warmer tone of the same shade to make it match.  So, we'll see.

There is one board that Husband is mad about.  See, he left while they were doing the wood.  Apparently, this was a mistake, because there's one lone piece of wood that's about three shades ligher.

I think in the grand scheme, it's not that noticeable.  But he is extremely observant of these types of things (he should be a plastic surgeon), so he's in a tizzy about it.  (The best part is, they left another 10+ pieces for us that are all the perfect color, so they had no reason to nail down the wrong color, but they did.)   I have told him to call the guys to fix it, but they'd have to un-nail all the pieces leading to it to replace it and then renail everything back.  It'd be a good deal of work.  I think it's probably just going to get a loveseat or rug put over it instead.  :)

In other news, Husband told me this morning that he received surprise visitors.  They came to install the carpet.  Interestingly enough, no one told us that they were coming to install the carpet, so Husband was frantically trying to remove the bed, TV, nightstands, and all the closet containers so they could put down the fresh stuff.  Oh and I was going to paint the ceilings and trim in the upstairs rooms before they did the carpet, which now I have to do on the new stuff because no one notified us.  Winning! 

I'm only marginally mad though, because I'm also really excited to see the finished product!  :)

So...what do you think?


Lori said...

Wow...looks like you are almost done! So happy for you!

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