Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's Officially Official!

Yup, folks!  We signed our life away today.  After two hours and a mountain of paperwork, we are now officially homeowners.

Awesomest. Feeling. Ever.

Once the papers were signed, work was finished (I was supposed to be off today), and myriad errands were run, I scurried over to start painting.  I had (and I kid you not) 7 paint samples queued up and ready.  Once I was finished, my kitchen looked like this:

Green, anyone?

I (with help from husband) settled on the color Grape Vine.  It's the big box at the bottom-right.  Close-up:

Behr - Grape Vine
However, the flash made the color a lot lighter than it really is.  So, i guess you'll just have to wait until the kitchen is painted to see what it looks like.  :)

We also made our first official change!  While I didn't take a before photo, this was essentially what our front and back doors looked like:
Gold = Fail.  Round = Fail.  All of the effing doorknobs in this house are like this, and it's terrible.   However, the entry doors are at least updated!

Gorgeous.  Love!  Both doors have double-lock entry, so don't go trying to break in, people. 

More changes will be to come!


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