Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Before Photos - Upstairs

And finally, we venture upstairs.

...or downstairs, from this angle!
The carpet's in good shape, and I dig the open layout here, especially as we turn toward the upstairs hall:

Tiniest. Ceiling Fan. Ever!
Pay no attention to the wall-unit.  That (theoretically) will be gone by the time we move in.

From this view, the door immediately to the left is the guest bedroom.

Guest bedroom!
 It's got a great view of treeline, so you can't see the neighbors at all unless you're really trying.  It's good a good-sized closet with mirrored sliding-door, and we all know how mirrors open up a room.  It's not a huge room, but while the specs say it's 10x10, it feels a good deal bigger. 

I don't really understand why they have a locked mini-door to the attic, though...
Between the guest bedroom and the upstairs bathroom is a big linen closet that's in just as urgent a need for paint job as the kitchen pantry.  It's like they spilled coke all over it and then couldn't be bothered to clean it up.

Next door in the hallway is the upstairs bathroom.

I was actually surprised how good a shape this room was in.  Other than a fresh paint job, it really doesn't need any work. 

And finally, from the hallway, headed straight we go into the room that made me glee when I walked into it.  I call it the nursery room, but really it'll likely be the office.  For awhile.

I officially drool all over these bay windows.
Plus it has these pretty cool built-in shelves on both sides and it's a good closet size as well. 

The carpet's not in the best shape up here.  I'm hoping that all it needs is a solid carpet cleaning, but it'll last us through when we flip it, unless we decide to stay in it for ever.

So...that was the official tour!  What do you think?


Mrs. Clark said...

You are so adorable, Jess. It's an étagère!

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